On Saturday, May 23, 2015, the Alpine Communications website was attacked and the homepage was replaced with a picture from group of hackers. We disabled the site immediately so that our team could assess the situation and investigate the root cause. We redirected all website traffic to our webmail login page, login.alpinecom.net, to allow access to webmail.

There is no customer data stored on the site and there is no risk of a breach of information security. Customers can continue to feel safe that their information is secure. We have identified the hackers’ entry point and closed it while adding additional security measures to the website. Alpine restored the site after we completed our testing of all customer-facing web pages.

We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this caused our customers and encourage you to call us at (563) 245-4000 with questions. We are taking all necessary actions to make sure this does not happen again.

Thank you,
Alpine Communications